Below are some of the brands i helped over the last 15 years

We needed a SEO Super Hero who could analyse both system infrastructure and staff skills to identify potential gaps and future road blocks, conduct deep dive audits and create well written strategy documents that outlined key issues and deliver instructions in a format understood by technical, marketing and management teams.
Tom Petryshen, Founder – Data Collective
He delivered unique strategies that produced better than expected results across key projects.
Rama deserves enormous credit for transforming the SEO strategy at Fairfax Media when he took over the search/social team in mid-2013. Over the next two years, his brilliant ideas and astute leadership helped lift smh.com.au to the top position in organic search referral traffic for Australian news sites.
Carlos Monteiro, Ex-Managing Editor – Fairfax MEdia
He was also a major force in marshalling the social media marketing strategy for Fairfax brands. Moving on to the Domain team, he has extended his SEO expertise to grow this property vertical in a tough market. Rama is a highly respected strategist in the digital marketing world and would be an asset to any corporate organisation.
In addition to these, Discover a collection of 14 diverse viewpoints I received on LinkedIn, expanding on my work.